“A novel is something that stands at the end of a lengthy process called writing.”
Victoria Nelson

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

A Late Report On Yesterday's Productivity
Mon 2005-08-01 10:06:02 (in context)
  • 37,428 words (if poetry, lines) long
  • 58.50 hrs. revised

Yesterday: 300 words on the novel and no web design.

Day Before Yesterday: No novel work. Lots of web design.

Conclusion: My weekend was, on average, only one day long. Can I have a refund?

I have forgotten more about Seattle than I'm comfortable admitting. For instance, the walk down 7th Avenue to the bike path that leads to Gasworks Park. Does the bike path actually T-bar 7th, or is there some street negotiating between the two? How long does it take the bike path to get right down to the docks? How much concrete distance between the Wall Of Death and the water? Aaaargh!

And the sad thing is, I had a chance to refresh my memory back when John and I visited his sister. They went to a gaming session at a friend's house in Wallingford; I walked into the U District from there. I walked around the house on 7th Avenue. But did I go to Gasworks? No. I decided to visit campus instead. I puttered up and down Suzallo-Allen Library. Curse my studious streak! Curses!

(At some point, meanwhile, I'm going to start talking about the novel I plan to write come next National Novel Writing Month, and how it is not going to be a Jasper Fforde rip-off, I swear. But about that, more later.)

Hey, wow, this entry spans the gamut of Abstract Categories, don't it? Maybe I should stop pickin' em.
