“If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations.”
Mark Morford

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

It gets worse.
Tue 2004-11-23 23:04:47 (in context)
  • 36,406 words (if poetry, lines) long
  • 0.00 hrs. revised

As an avoidance technique, I am eating marshmallows.

They're very yummy marshmallows, hand-crafted by the good people of Whole Foods. Faintly flavored with vanilla. Big and square and poofy.

But they're marshmallows.

This is on beyond zebra. This is pathetickness cubed. This is... stupid.

It doesn't help that I purchased a small bottle of rum today, and am now thinking of dolloping it in hot chocolate. With the marshmallows.

(Tea. Just keep thinking tea thoughts. Dilmah darjeeling. Yes.)
