“The people who need what you have to say are waiting for you and they don’t care that you think it's boring, unoriginal or lacking in value.”
Havi Brooks

author: Nicole J. LeBoeuf

actually writing blog

Yuletide Happy!
Tue 2004-12-21 02:29:46 (in context)
  • 50,011 words (if poetry, lines) long
  • 11.00 hrs. revised

I know where to get Yule logs now. I mean, on years where I'm not lucky enough to happen to be traipsing down the railroad corridor after tree trimming day. You do this. You talk to these guys, you drive down and wander about their yard, you show 'em which piece of tree you're interested in, and they charge you a couple bucks. Or not. If you're not too keen on getting a perfectly round and smooth birch log, if you pick an interestingly gnarled piece of "junk wood," maybe they'll tell you to just take it away and Happy Yuletide to you.

My piece of junkwood is burning very nicely. I wish I'd taken a picture of the whole ensemble before we torched it. It was a feat of architecture. Two layers of grocery store firewood interlaced with newspaper with the Log on top and then a bunch of holly and cedar draped over it and the last charcoal scrap of last year's log at the bottom, then one little splash of brandy and one little match. Phoom! Fire.

And the fruitcake is pretty darn yummy too, I gotta say. We took it out of its cognac cocoon and began devouring it. Oh boy. You people who don't like fruitcake, I don't get you.

Round about five-thirty we're going to get in the car - those of us who are here and awake at five-thirty - and head out to Red Rocks for the annual "Drumming Up The Sun" event. This is where a whole bunch of area Pagans stand around in the amphitheater making noise until the sun rises, at which point everyone makes a lot more noise. Then they head off somewhere and have breakfast. This year, I plan to actually get to Red Rocks before everyone else leaves. I have much better directions this time around.

Not a lot of writing (or editing) getting done tonight, though. I like to spend Solstice night on those activities with which I want to fill the coming year, but right now my brain is mush. And there are guests over. Mostly we're sitting around watching my husband, John, play "Rogue Ops" on his new X-Box (early Yuletide gift to himself). Sedentary stuff like that. If I make it to five-thirty without dozing off (again), I'll be doing pretty dang good.

I mean, productivity? You've got to be kidding...
